Privacy Policy

We at Fast2 Mine respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). This Privacy Notice was created to help you understand which personal data we collect and process when you use our services, the purposes of this collection and processing, how we use this data, your rights regarding the processed data, and how you can exercise them.


Data Collection

We collect personal data when you:

Create an Account:
When you create an account to use one of our Services. Each service may have its account created individually and/or shared, and this account is your identification when you register for our Services by providing Data and creating a password that allows you to access the Services provided. During the registration process, we request Data such as your full name, email address, CPF, and phone number.
If you do not agree to provide the requested data, you will not have access to the Services.

Use our Services:
We collect data about your interactions and activities in our Services, including usage logs, preferences, and account settings.

Browse our Website:
We use cookies and tracking technologies to collect anonymous information about your browsing and preferences, meaning we do not collect any user identification data, only usage behavior data.

Legal Bases for Data Processing

The General Data Protection Law (Law 13.709/2018, “LGPD”) authorizes data processing based on specific legal hypotheses. In compliance with the legislation, Fast2 Mine will process your Data according to the following legal bases, depending on the specific case:

Legal BasisDescription
ConsentWhen you actively agree to the processing of Data expressly for a specific purpose. In this case, consent may be revoked at any time upon request.
Legitimate InterestWhen Fast2 Mine has a legitimate interest in using your Data, in legally provided cases, always respecting your fundamental rights and legitimate expectations. Example: To improve our services and personalize your experience.
Contract ExecutionWhen necessary to fulfill a contract and pre-contractual diligences, such as when you subscribe to a Service, and we need to use your Data to process your request and deliver the contracted product.
Legal or Regulatory ObligationWhen necessary to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, such as responding to requests from competent authorities.
Regular Exercise of RightsWhen necessary to exercise our rights in potential administrative, judicial, and arbitration proceedings.

Use of Data

We use your data to:

Provide Services to You:
Fulfill the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice, the Terms of Use, and subscription agreements (as applicable);
Enable the delivery of Services provided by Fast2 Mine;
Provide login services for pages and applications.

Communicate with You:
Respond when you contact Fast2 Mine;
Conduct surveys and research to test, troubleshoot, improve, or evaluate our Services or content;
Inform you about changes to our terms, services, policies, or notices (including this Privacy Notice);
Send newsletters and information about the Services;
Offer new Services to you through your email account, text message, messaging app, phone call, and instant notification (push), including those whose subscription you started but did not complete.

Provide Security and Protect Rights:
Provide technical and operational support and ensure the security and functionality of the Services;
Prevent and curb illegal, fraudulent, or suspicious activities that may cause harm to you, Fast2 Mine, or other third parties;
Prevent technical or security problems;
Protect our rights and properties, including against intrusions, misuse, piracy, and hacking;
Validate your identity according to the relationship established with you.

License and Usage Control:
Verify if the user has appropriate licensing and account level to use the Services;
Store usage logs and interactions to enable audits and monitor changes in information in our Services.

Data Sharing

At Fast2 Mine, all your data is exclusively used for the Services we offer. We do not share your data with commercial partners, except in cases where it is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, or with your prior consent.

User Rights

Fast2 Mine is committed to ensuring that you can fully exercise your rights as provided by law. According to the LGPD, you have the following rights concerning your Data:

To exercise your rights, contact us through our user service channel available on our website.

Data Security

Your Data may be transferred, stored, and processed in Brazil or abroad. Such processing will be conducted in accordance with this Privacy Notice and will take the necessary technical and organizational security and confidentiality measures to ensure an adequate level of Data protection.

Fast2 Mine implements security controls to protect your Data. We adopt practices aligned with technical and regulatory market standards for Data security and privacy, with actions in technology and organizational processes. Our measures to preserve your Data against unauthorized access, use, alteration, disclosure, or destruction include physical and logical protection of assets, encrypted communications, access management, adherence to secure software development, and internal compliance policies that embed security into the lifecycle of our Services. These controls are regularly reviewed to monitor and respond to new Internet threats. Although it is impossible to guarantee that our Services are completely inviolable, we have teams prepared to promptly detect and respond to any incidents that compromise the security of your Data or our Services.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We are constantly improving our Privacy Notice, and changes will be reflected in this document. Before using any of our Services, check this section to stay updated. You will be informed of any changes through a notice on our website in the Privacy Portal section, in the Services, by sending an email, SMS, instant notification (push), or other means. When we publish changes to the Privacy Notice, we will update the date the last change was published and make the previous version of the Privacy Notice available.